
Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy




The Marriage and Family Therapy graduate program at OBU offers you the training necessary to provide therapeutic services from a relational and systemic perspective. Your training may be applied in counseling agencies, schools, hospitals, churches, 无论是在传教现场还是在私人诊所. Our MFT graduate program equips you to utilize your professional skills in order to bring healing to families, 夫妻和个人. The coursework also prepares you to understand the role that faith plays in clients' lives and relationships.

Dr. 罗纳德·Asiimwe


“我玩得很开心, learned, and grew both personally and professionally while I was in the MFT program on Bison Hill. Personally, I learned a lot about love, patience, flexibility, and empathy while in the program. 有好几次我都很挣扎, 但教员们总是很有耐心, and flexible with me and offered resources to help me overcome challenges and be successful.”

OBU MFT计划的好处

We offer an on-campus embedded training facility (Kemp MFT Clinic) as well as a diverse selection of practicum sites both locally and statewide. You can enroll in evening classes with flexibility to complete your degree on two, 三到四年.

You will be instructed and mentored by faculty who are highly respected leaders in the MFT field and have active real-world clinical expertise. We provide systems-oriented training for excellent preparation to work with individuals, families, 和伴侣.



  • 每学时价格:550美元
  • 学时:46
  • 总成本:25,300美元
  • No application, enrollment or technology fees


  • 入学申请
  • 官方成绩单
    • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in the U.S. or foreign equivalent as approved by a specific program with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Official transcript(s) must reflect work from all colleges or universities contributing to your degree. Please send an electronic copy of your official transcript to graduate.info@chengyishizhu.com.
  • 当前的简历
  • 宗旨声明
  • 三种推荐表格

可以获得经济援助. 填写FAFSA来发现你的选择.


The graduate program in Marriage and Family Therapy at 俄克拉何马浸会大学 is designed to meet the needs of college graduates who desire training in marriage and family therapy. The training will prepare you to apply for professional certification or licensure and clinical membership in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT).

Our MFT program teaches you to implement relational, systemic approaches in the practice of marriage and family therapy. It will help you to consider how personal faith and a Christian perspective can inform MFT practices across a variety of settings. The program focuses on both academic coursework and supervised clinical experience with individuals, couples, and families under a variety of clinical conditions.

An emphasis of the program is to establish a professional role identity for you as a competent family therapist and clinician who can work both in private and public domains, and in institutional as well as outpatient settings. You will receive intensive specialized training which prepares you to treat individuals and families from a systems vantage point. The training addresses societal and cultural forces that influence family relationships. You will be exposed to a variety of theoretical paradigms used in family therapy and learn to critically examine each of them with the purpose of developing a proficiency as a marriage and family therapist.


The OBU MFT program offers you the opportunity to complete your degree in as little as two years. Suggested sequences for two-, three- and four-year plans are listed below.


Out of 37 students active in the 2023-2024 fiscal year, there are 9 males and 28 females. The program's racial diversity distribution is 23 White/Non-Hispanic, 3拉丁美洲裔, 3 African/非裔美国人, 6印第安人, 2多民族.

The program has two core faculty and a clinic director: 1 male and 2 female, 1名白人/非西班牙裔和2名非洲裔美国人.

The program currently has 5 clinical supervisors: 1 male and 4 female, 2名白人/非西班牙裔和3名非洲裔美国人.



额外的信息, including course descriptions and requirements, 在学术目录中有吗.


As you pursue your Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, we recommend you apply for FAFSA to assist with the cost of your education. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how affordable an OBU education really is. 如果您还有其他问题,请中文博彩平台 理财顾问团队 乐意为您效劳吗.


Project RESPECT is a five-year grant offered in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Education, 美国教育部, 以及Avedis基金会. This program provides scholarships to individuals committed to becoming a licensed mental health provider to serve Pottawatomie County youth. Up to $1,000 per three-hour course is available.



Classes for the Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy program start every fall semester. As you prepare to enter the program, please take note of the following deadlines and cut-off dates.

Fall 2025 Cohort Priority Application Deadline: 2024年2月15日
2025秋季MFT面试日: 2024年3月6日,下午3-4:30.m.
申请截止: 2024年7月1日
MFT培训和所有项目聚会: 2025年8月(日期待定)


OBU faculty are experts in their fields and will be with you every step of the way.

Dr. 迦南起重机

Dr. 迦南起重机




Kemp MFT诊所主任

Dr. 卡米尔花

Dr. 卡米尔花

Associate Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy



有问题? Fill out the form below or contact the recruitment director, Allie Blevins.

Email: allie.blevins@chengyishizhu.com